Mestrado em Gestão e Conservação da Natureza

... sobre o território comum, olhar a realidade de forma integral e de modo científico

Ana M. Arroz

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Web References
  • Scopus
  • Google Scholarship
  • Docente nas disciplinas:

    Instrumentos e Objetivos da Ciência e Política Ambiental

    Dissertações orientadas:
  • Sustentabilidade
  • Educação Ambiental
  • Psicologia Ambiental
  • Perfil

    I received a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from the University of Azores in 2005 and I am currently working in the Island Environmental Risks and Society (IERS) of cE3c. I am a professor of Health and Environmental Psychology at the University of Azores. My research focuses on Social and Environmental Psychology, specifically on children's and adult's perspectives of the environment, risk behaviour, risk perception, and risk communication. The most recent projects include comprehensive studies on public risk perceptions of seismic and volcanic phenomena, termite plagues, global change, obesity and children’s perspectives of the environment.

    For many years I have been involved in risk research, aiming to promote an efficient communication and meaningful negotiation among stakeholders involved in risk situations.

    I currently collaborate with different groups of colleagues, working on a range of topics within risk perception and communication and health psychology, with Isabel Estrela Rego (CVARG, UAC) and Luisa Lima (CIS, ISCTE-IUL). My current research is driven by the following main objectives: i) to understand the motivations of people in relation with nature; ii) to conceive, implement and evaluate communicational devices contingent to people’s representations and resistances concerning biodiversity loss; iii) to evaluate the impacts of urban blue and green infrastructures in wellbeing; iv) to explore empowerment strategies in dealing with urban risks (e.g. termites).

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